I did it again. I took a bag of berries from the freezer to make pie that I would have to return to the freezer after it was baked.
These berries happened to be marionberries and they made a batch of tartlets and a full pie.
The tartlets were for Valentine’s Day, which I don’t particularly celebrate. But good food can still happen on that day, along with watching “Ash vs. Evil Dead.”
My friends also made a deep dish Chicago style sausage pizza and so suddenly I realized that Valentine’s Day was also pie feast day this year.
Just for funzies here is that pizza:
I wanted to add some new flavors to my pie so I consulted my F3 of course. He told me he made a sage creme anglaise to go with someĀ pineapple hand pies. So I too decided to make a flavored anglaise with orange peel and ground ginger.
The ginger could have been stronger because it even escaped the taste buds of TheĀ Dessert Purist.
I also used silicone baking cups for the first time to make pie and they worked wonderfully.
There was such an ease to slipping them out. Even though the filling was still warm the pastry remained intact.