The Cookie season

I walked into work at the start of the Christmas season to a break room with eight kinds of cookies.

I had a little too many for breakfast, but that didn’t stop me from more cookies in the Christmas future. 

Some friends and I have had a tradition of getting schnockered on festive holiday beverages and cookies while watching those silly movies with the puppets.

This year I did more of the same with some new friends and the Star Wars movies (volumes 4-6, to celebrate the upcoming new film).

For the first evening, one of my friends made a variation of a brownie  and served it with egg nog and whiskey.

I can’t give you the recipe because it is my friends’ family secret.

But essentially they are oatmeal bars with chocolate in them. And they are nice and melty and very addictive.

We had some straight triticale whiskey by Dry Fly to go with the cookies.

This whiskey had some nice caramel notes that made the liquor better straight than mixed with egg nog.

The egg nog got too rich with this whiskey and the whiskey was spoiled by the sugary nog.

Stephanie Landis

I am a native Oregonian, but traveling has been my way of life since I was young. I was raised in Europe and traveled around Asia and Africa. I've studied two languages and plan to add more. Along with travel, enjoying a passion for food, art and culture is apart of my daily life. My hobbies other than writing are cooking, reading, watching films and attending cultural events.

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